Wednesday, January 7, 2015

ANT-MAN trailer review

You'll be seeing a lot more than just movie reviews on my blog now. In my next step as a blogger and a film and TV enthusiast, I have decided to challenge myself and have a write-up every now and then on anything movie or TV related, so from now on, you're most likely going to see me post about all sorts of things, Top 10 lists, thoughts on major movie news, and what, you're about to get right now, a trailer review.

Let's kick off that next step with something big, shall we? Here's my review for the teaser trailer of Ant-Man.

I'm quite torn on the trailer. Two things this trailer has going for it are Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas as Scott Lang and Hank Pym, respectively. I'm just dying to see these two great actors play superheroes. It's quite clear they're going to rely on Rudd, with his natural charm and charisma, to carry the film, and by the looks of the trailer, he can carry the film and he'll be cracking a couple jokes while doing so. I loved Michael Douglas' voice-over in this trailer. The trailer wanted to showcase the dynamic between the two actors & characters and the focus of the film, and I believe they nailed that part. I also liked how the trailer centered more around Scott Lang's life, his family, him being a criminal, and how he'll be put on the path to redemption rather than just focusing on cool action sequences with Ant-Man's shrinking ability. I think the trailer shows that the film's heart is in the right place, and with Peyton Reed (an Ant-Man fan) directing the movie, I think they're somewhat on the right track in giving us a proper redemption story.

The characters and the few action shots all look pretty good for a teaser trailer and I like what I'm getting so far from the story, so what do I not like about the trailer? Well, for starters, the pacing, the feel, and the look of the trailer was pretty generic and plain in my opinion. There's not much wow, that looks new and interesting factor there, which is a bummer, to say the least. Even before the previous director Edgar Wright (one of my all time favorites) left the project, I expected the first trailer for this movie to be fun and eye-catching. I expected it to be like that even more once Wright did leave the project, so as to get the attention of those a little disappointed. Some of the marketing for this movie did look eye-catching and inventive ("ant-sized" trailer teaser and poster), so I'm just wondering how they could they possibly have made a trailer for a movie about a superhero who can shrink to the size of an ant so generic. 

If you want an example for what I'm looking for, just look at Marvel's last teaser trailer for a new property. The teaser trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy caught the attention of audiences by giving us brief descriptions of the Guardians, plus it was accompanied by a pretty catchy song, Hooked on a Feeling. I'm not saying Marvel should just put songs in their trailers, I'm saying do something that catches your attention like that. In fact, that is my one fear for the movie, that it'd just become a "plain and okay installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe". I'm not entirely confident Peyton Reed's directing, as I feel he doesn't have the capability of producing a film with real style and flavor as Edgar Wright can, so all I really have to judge the film right now is the trailer, and I'm not super impressed.

Well, that kind of went longer than I expected. I know I may have went on longer than I should've about how generic it feels, but I really felt that I needed to get those thoughts across. I still think the trailer is an okay teaser, and I'm more than happy to geek out about Hank Pym, but as of right now, I really just can't say I'm all that excited. 

You can watch the trailer here, so be sure to reply to me with your own opinions, whether you share your views with mine or don't, and don't miss my Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2015 article, which will probably arrive late in the weekend or early next week.

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